Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Sex on the Hoof by Sylvia Violet

Title: Sex on the Hoof
Author: Sylvia Violet
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Cover Artist: AJ Corza
Genre: paranormal
Length: 23,000 words novella
Formats Mobi, Epub, PDF

A stag and a vampire. Mortal peril. True love.

Deer shifter, Jason Fleetfoot, has turned his life around. After years of taking chances, he’s working as a crime lab technician, and he’s determined to forgo the risky behavior of his past. Then he meets Drew Danvers, the only undead detective in the city. Jason hates vampires, or does he? Drew defies all the stereotypes of his kind and something about him has taken hold of Jason and won’t let go. Jason might just dare to take a chance on a man others would label a risk to his health if not his very life.
The first person present tense makes for a very fast paced read once you get past the lump of backstory in the beginning. It sets everything up, but the brick of “here’s where you are, here’s what’s happening” is something to wade through to get to the good stuff. It references other stories in this universe.

Shifters and vampires are known and part of society, even if regular humans are very wary of them. Society has broken down into moderate lawlessness, and everyone’s on edge. The mistrust is so thick that a vampire detective isn’t allowed to work vampire cases. His specialized knowledge, skills and understandings won’t pass for evidence in court, and the alternative may be vigilantism, so he has to just back off. Except—he can’t, especially on this case.

There’s an awful lot of sex, which is definitely of the alpha vs alpha hot variety. Jason’s a major force in his kind, even if he’s aware he’s not a physical match for a vampire. It’s a source of friction between them, because Jason’s not used to being protected or deflected. Drew should be pleased Jason’s one bad-ass herbivore.

The very pace of the read made me over run the actual resolution of the Big Bad issue twice, or it might be that sudden stop for talk annoyed me into forgetting it, because I had to read the section three times to make it stick. It’s all rather overshadowed by their need to get back to bed. Which makes this book perfect for someone who likes plot as seasoning rather than meat. Sex on the Hoof describes it well.

It’s fun, and hot, and tasty mind candy. 3.5 marbles

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