Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Come What May by A.M. Arthur

Title: Come What May
Author: A.M Arthur
Purchase at Amazon
Purchase at All Romance eBooks (eventually)
Cover Artist: N/A
Genre: contemporary
Length: 320 pages MMP
Formats: Mobi, audio, mass market paperback
Currently on preorder, to release May 23, 2016

Jonas needs Tate. He just doesn't know it yet.

Or at least, he doesn't want to admit it. Because there is no way Jonas Ashcroft is gay. He's a straight, carefree frat boy player, just like any good son of a conservative state senator. If only his struggle to convince everyone—especially himself—didn't leave him so miserable. No matter how many girls or bottles he drowns himself in, Jonas can neither escape nor accept who he is.

Enter Tate. He's smart, confident, and instantly sees right through Jonas's surly exterior. Sure, he's done things in life he's not proud of, but he knows who he is and what he wants. And what he wants is Jonas. As their easy friendship intensifies into something more, Tate introduces Jonas to a life he's never known. One filled with acceptance and sex and a love that terrifies and excites them both.

But some inner demons refuse to be shaken off so easily. When Jonas's old life barges in, he faces a shattering choice, one that could destroy everything he and Tate have fought so hard for. Sometimes love just isn't enough—and sometimes it's exactly what you need.


Oh no, I can’t be gay, oh dear, I am gay, and oh my, I think I love you. Oh no, pushback from world. It’s not a new story, but one that can be given new life.

The execution is competent, and in places even inspired, but I’m not seeing enough to make me feel there’s a different twist on the old formula. Issues that were brought up that could have lifted this out of the pack got little attention until they resolved with a thud. Any one of them, with more care lavished, would have mattered more than all of them with only lip service. Jonas’ uneasy relationship with numbers, his father’s political campaign, Tate’s sister’s isolation, any one of these had enough heft to be more than background noise. All of them together should be beating readers’ emotions to a pulp. Instead, I struggled to recall the characters' names three days later.

I did catch cameos from characters from other books that made me smile, although this book seems to be from a different series. A few of the new characters were more stock, such as Jonas’ father and the young woman played by Evil Harpy #4.

Fans of this author will enjoy this book greatly, and more casual readers will also find something to enjoy. We may have to chalk my reaction up as an anomaly. 3.5 marbles

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