The news has come that the m/m community has lost one of its kindest, sweetest authors. Please join me in thinking of some way that Ruth Sims touched your life.
I met her when I first started reviewing. Her stories, Song on the Sand and The Legend of the Mountain Ash, made me cry, but in the best way, because the stories were sweet, sad, and ultimately not-sad in a way that still makes me sniffle. Pam reviewed Song here because I couldn't find the words, and I reviewed Legend, and Ruth wrote both of us notes thanking us. She was gracious to a newbie, and gave me the confidence to keep doing this new, scary thing.
I am sure Ruth scattered her kindness like petals, without thinking, because that was just the kind of person she was, and I treasure our correspondence and my rereads of her work.
She will be missed.
Her obituary is here.
I wrote Ruth a note after reading one of her stories, which touched me to the bone. She was wise and kind, and those who didn't know her can still find that in her work.