Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A Few Changes Around Here

Now that I am affiliated with Dark Divas, some things are a little different. The reviewing silence of the last month should be a thing of the past -- I didn't think it was right to post elsewhere before reviews appeared there. Now my work is coming out consistently, so the posting here (there will be a lag of hopefully not more than a day and perhaps not that much) will follow.

I have an avatar there:

Ain't I cute? Wish my RL waistline looked like that.

The slideshow has been updated; the book covers for upcoming reviews have replaced random cute guys. Don't read anything into the order of appearance.

Reviewing at Dark Divas in addition to here requires a policy change -- where before I could exercise some latitude in posting if an author requested review was low, now, once I agree to a review, it has to go up unless the spork is actually in my eye. So while I still respond to requests, once I say yes, we're all committed to whatever I find once I read, and I calls 'em as I sees 'em.

There was an unfortunate hiatus of a week on Thousand Word Thursday posts, and even sadder, we have three pictures that don't have ficlets. Authors, that offer is open! One hundred to one thousand words  post with covers, news, and links. We should be back to our regularly scheduled pics this week.

In really good news, one Thousand Word Thursday ficlet grew into a complete short story; JM Cartwright has a TWTh-inspired Sip coming from Torquere on July 30th! The complete news is here; be on the lookout for A Gentleman and His Jockey.


  1. Good luck at Divas - and thanks for your support!

  2. @JM -- thanks, and good luck with the story.

    @Val -- thanks!
